Camberwell Kitchen

This kitchen is suffused with natural light thanks to windows on either side and its connection to a sitting room that looks out to the garden on all sides. Set in the Victorian extension of a Georgian house, architects Granit navigated strict planning laws to rejig internal walls and open up the space, a layout to suit our client who enjoys hosting.

This is the kitchen of a foodie, an informal space to be used and enjoyed. Indeed the cooking set-up is a serious affair and includes the latest appliances from Gaggeneu and Fisher and Paykel; meals will be a celebration of good food, fine wine, family and friends.

The cabinetry’s scheme complements the garden, a soft natural palette of London Plane, Brockwell Moss with a hint of Ruskin Blossom.

A window seat adds to the feeling of the connection with the outside and for this we designed a custom bench with drawers underneath (treats for Horrace can be found here!).

The pendants are by David Hunt lighting, with exposed light bulbs and raw brass, they bring a touch of industrial chic. The worktop is quartz by MKW and the engineered hardwood floor is by Element 7.

This room feels ripe for sunny days with doors thrown open, birds singing and balmy evenings spent flitting between the house and garden to stock up on supplies. It’s also a nest for winter evenings, curled up on the sofa chatting whilst a hearty meal is whipped up. 

Photographer: Malcolm Menzies